Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

2 Record(s) Found in our database

Search Results

1. Record Number: 3488
Author(s): Gates, Laura Doyle.
Title : Distaff and Pen: Producing the Evangiles des Quenouilles
Source: Neophilologus , 81., 1 (January 1997):  Pages 13 - 20.
Year of Publication: 1997.

2. Record Number: 2483
Author(s): Donovan, Josephine.
Title : Women and the Framed-Novelle: A Tradition of Their Own [argues that women used the prose fiction form to counter such misogynist ideas as women as commodities of exchange and thereby developed a feminist consciousness, an awareness of the unjust subordination of women; though primarily devoted to women authors in the early modern period, the author briefly discusses the "Livre de la cité des dames" and the "Evangiles des quenouilles"].
Source: Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society (Full Text via JSTOR) 22, 4 (Summer 1997): 947-980. Link Info
Year of Publication: 1997.